Article cover image: Are you our next ALCS Board member?

Are you our next ALCS Board member?

This year two positions are available on the ALCS Board of Directors and we would be delighted to hear from ALCS members who are interested in standing.

What skills must I have?

Good interpersonal and communication skills are vital. Ultimately we’d like every director on the Board to be a positive, dynamic influence on ALCS and its future direction. You will be responsible for significant financial decisions for which you will need to display appropriate stewardship. You will also be an ambassador for the Company in all its activities.

What experience is required?

Being an ALCS director carries with it a full load of legal, financial and ethical responsibilities including, importantly, a duty to exercise independent judgement. Previous Board/Committee experience is desirable.

What’s the time commitment?

With five Board meetings per year as well as various Committee meetings and other events, and with time needed for induction, training and reading emails and papers to keep you up to speed, you must have sufficient time available and the commitment to ensure you carry out your duties to the highest standard.

Still interested?

If you are interested in standing for election to the ALCS Board of Directors and would like further information, please contact Owen Atkinson, ALCS CEO:

Key points

  • There are two posts available on the ALCS Board.
  • All applicants will need to provide the details of four other ALCS members who will nominate/support them in their application to stand.
  • The election will be run by Electoral Reform Services (ERS) so keep an eye out for communications from them.


9 September – The nominations process begins; an email will be sent to members by the ERS with details of how to put yourself forward if you’d like to stand.

14 October – The nominations process closes.

28 October – The election opens. Details about the candidates who are standing for election, how to vote and a timetable for voting will be communicated to members by the ERS.

28 November – The successful candidates will be announced at the ALCS AGM in Newcastle.