Article cover image: UK’s only award for creative educational writing (EWA) is open for submissions

UK’s only award for creative educational writing (EWA) is open for submissions

This year’s ALCS Educational Writers’ Award (EWA) is open for entries! We’re looking for an outstanding example of traditionally published non-fiction that stimulates and enhances learning. The deadline for entries is 10 June 2022.

The Authors’ Licensing and Collecting Society Award for Educational Writers is the UK’s only award for creative educational writing. Worth £2,000 to the winner, the prize is awarded to an outstanding example of traditionally published non-fiction that stimulates and enhances learning.

The 2022 Prize will close for submissions on 10 June 2022.

Enter Now

Important Information

  • The work to be a single-volume, non-fiction (with or without illustrations), of genuine merit, for the 11-18 age group.
  • The work to have been first published in the UK, in the English language.
  • The work to have been published within the previous two calendar years, i.e. 2020 and 2021.

Last year’s winner
Sometimes I feel by Sarah Maycock

Published by Big Picture Press, Sometimes I Feel explores common but complex emotions – including bravery, timidness, curiosity and happiness – through a collection of animal similes and poetic prose, accompanied by beautiful paintings of animals which embody each emotion.

The 2021 ALCS Educational Writers Award Short list

Runner up – Cerrie Burnel for I am not a Label (The Quarto Group)
Stefanie Posavec and Miriam Quick for I am a Book, I am a portal to the Universe (Penguin Random House UK, Particular Books)
Neal Layton for A Climate In Chaos (Hachette Children’s Group – Imprint : Wren & Rook)
Chris Hoy for Be Amazing (Walker Books)

With thanks to the judges: Trish Cooke, Hazel Forbes and Katie Purdy.

Now in its 14th year, the Educational Writers’ Award was established in 2008 by ALCS and the Society of Authors (SoA) to ‘celebrate educational writing that inspires creativity and encourages students to read widely and build up their understanding of a subject beyond the requirements of exam specifications’.

Find out how to enter and read the full terms and conditions on the Society of Authors’ website.